Tuesday 4 August 2015

大猩猩 Gorilla

大猩猩是地栖,主要是食草 类人猿栖息在森林的中部非洲 。 同名 大猩猩属分为两个种: 东部大猩猩猩猩西部 ,和4或5个亚种 。 他们是最大的生活 灵长类物理尺寸。 所述的DNA大猩猩是高度相似于人类的 ,由95-99%,这取决于哪些被计数,并且它们的下一个最接近生活的亲属到人类的后黑猩猩倭黑猩猩 。
大猩猩“自然栖息地覆盖在热带或亚热带森林非洲 。 虽然他们的范围涵盖非洲的一小部分,大猩猩覆盖范围广海拔。 山地大猩猩栖息的艾伯丁裂谷山地云雾林的的维龙加火山群,范围从2,200-4,300米(7,200-14,100英尺)的高度。 低地大猩猩生活在茂密的森林和低地沼泽和沼泽低至海平面 ,与西部低地大猩猩生活在中部非洲西部国家和东部低地大猩猩生活在刚果民主共和国近其与边境卢旺达 。 [2]

Gorillas are ground-dwelling, predominantly herbivorous apes that inhabit the forests of central Africa. The eponymous genus Gorilla is divided into two species: the eastern gorillas and the western gorillas, and either four or five subspecies. They are the largest living primates by physical size. The DNA of gorillas is highly similar to that of humans, from 95–99% depending on what is counted, and they are the next closest living relatives to humans after the chimpanzees and bonobos.

Gorillas' natural habitats cover tropical or subtropical forests in Africa. Although their range covers a small percentage of Africa, gorillas cover a wide range of elevations. Themountain gorilla inhabits the Albertine Rift montane cloud forests of the Virunga Volcanoes, ranging in altitude from 2,200–4,300 metres (7,200–14,100 ft). Lowland gorillas live in dense forests and lowland swamps and marshes as low as sea level, with western lowland gorillas living in Central West African countries and eastern lowland gorillas living in the Democratic Republic of the Congo near its border with Rwanda.[2]

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